Lead from Love

I work with people on the cusp of greatness to go from reliable doers to transformational, Heart-Centered Leaders.

Photos by Amy Richards

My mission is to rebuild trust in the workplace through heart-centered leadership. 

If you’re reading this, chances are you are already leading from your heart. You are likely tired of the status quo and aim to shake things up and make things better for yourself and your company. You’re ready to try new things, be seen, and show up for your team and your purpose. You want to put down tired old stories about yourself and others, self-doubt, and “the way we’ve always done it” and pick up innovation and an empowered mindset about what’s possible.

What is Heart-Centered Leadership?

Heart-Centered Leadership is the practice of relating to empathy, authenticity, purpose, and relationship as necessary facets of leading teams, communities, families, and oneself. Heart-Centered Leaders take full responsibility for themselves - their greatness, their humanity, and their vision - and model what it looks like to be real and open while standing powerfully for excellence.

Heart-Centered Leaders…

  • lead from vision

  • bring levity and play

  • are willing to take risks and be vulnerable

  • are lifelong learners

  • hold themselves and others accountable

  • share power and trust generously

  • communicate directly

  • offer feedback with rigor and love

  • bring curiosity and compassion

Being a Heart-Centered Leader requires courage, honesty, rigor, compassion, trust, discomfort, commitment, breakthroughs, and STEPPING INTO THE UNKNOWN.

Are you ready to get started? 
